Um okay so obviously I'm really not the best blogger. Maybe I'll be a good updater. Huh? What do you think?
Okay so there is no way I can go back and get into all of the things we've been
up to since our last post i.e. our honeymoon (um okay I said it... not so good at this blogging thing yet)
1. We got married (still waiting for the pics) yeah I know having a hard time being patient about I've seen them I just don't have them
2. Honeymoon we blogged a little about Belize was wonderful we enjoyed just spending time together but we were also able to share our
adventurous side going hiking,
snorkeling, and kayaking.
3. Christmas was a blur...
4. Back to work
Ele works 5 am to 6pm (
fri) ... I work 7 pm to 7:30 am (3 days/week) It can be hard we're praying about making some changes.
6. We took a lovely trip up the coast Hwy 1 for our first married Valentines day! Made stops in Santa Barbra, Big
Sur, Carmel, Monterrey and Santa Cruz (yes I have pics but hey this is just an update)
7. My cousin Kara who is one year older than I has Cancer for those who don't already know. She found out after having some simple knee pain walking up stairs. Her daughter was 9 months when she found out. She's gone through chemo and removal of her femur and knee joint, then more chemo with still no effect on the cancer. I just found out this weekend she's responding to this last dose of chemo. Praise God!!!
8. Sad news is that her dad looks like he will need a heart transplant.
9. My Grandma was hospitalized this weekend for heart problems, things I deal with everyday at work but I might be making a trip up there this weekend to help her get situated with all of the new medications and M.D. appointments.
10. Looks like
Ele might be making Sergeant with the next cutting score!Yeah go
Ele! It's a big deal in Marine land.
Ele had a b-day April 3rd. He's a quarter of a century now! What an old fart :) We had a
bbq it was fun.
12. I signed up for a Neonatal resuscitation course through the hospital. Praying about switching focuses to Labor and Delivery :)
13. Considering going back to school for my Master's Degree this fall. Need to take the
GRE and decide really soon :(
14. And last but
definitely not least
Ele and I have been married 4 months as of April 15. Yahoo! Love that man.